¦ noun
1. the part of the earth's surface that is not covered by water.
an area of ground, especially in terms of its ownership or use.
(the land) rural areas and the rural way of life.
S. African a field.
2. a country or state.
3. the space between the rifling-grooves in a gun.
¦ verb
1. put on land from a boat.
go ashore.
bring (a fish) to land with a net or rod.
informal succeed in obtaining or achieving (something desirable).
2. (with reference to aircraft, birds, etc.) come or bring down to the ground.
come to rest after falling or being thrown.
3. (land up) reach a place or destination.
(land up with) end up with (an unwelcome situation).
4. (land someone in) informal cause someone to be in (a difficult situation).
(land someone with) inflict (an unwelcome task or a difficult situation) on someone.
5. informal inflict (a blow) on someone.
how the land lies Brit. what the state of affairs is.
in the land of the living humorous alive or awake.
the land of the free the United States of America.
the land of Nod humorous a state of sleep. [punningly, with biblical allusion to the place name Nod (Gen. 4:16).]
land (or fall) on one's feet have good luck or success.
landless adjective
landlessness noun
OE: of Gmc origin.